In this section you can find important references to methods resources and data. There are 3 sub-sections:

  1. Other leading intiatives on social metrics and reporting, such as Capitals Coalition and reporting guidance initiatives
  2. The Handbook, reports and cases
  3. Scientific papers and papers on training and education

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We are looking forward to get your articles about all kind of developments, information and data sources as well as relevantscientific articles (provided you have permission to upliad these here. Before you start, please select the approrpiate catego

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UNEP Guidance on Social LCA


Already in 2009, a group of experts developed the first UNEP Guidelines for Social LCA. Recently a major update was developed and published in three reports:

  • a Guidance document (with a similar scope as the Handbook + Methodology Guide)
  • the Methodological Sheets, which have a similar scope as the Social Topics Report.
  • the Report on Pilot Projects,…
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The EU funded Horizon 2020 project orienting, is developing and testing a Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment methodology which combines 5 pillars

  1. Social LCA
  2. Environmental LCA
  3. Life Cycle Costing
  4. Circularity
  5. Supplyrisks.

In the social pillar many publications and datasources are evaluated and there is a genuine…

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Mancini et al., 2021. Assessing impacts of responsible sourcing initiatives for cobalt - Insights from a case study.pdf

Based on primary and secondary data collection and assessment of improvement against the requirements of responsible sourcing frameworks and sustainability assessment guidance (including Social…

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JRC, 2020. Responsible and sustainable sourcing of battery raw materials.pdf


An analysis of the responsible sourcing of battery raw materials risks, challenges and solutions, with a specific focus on the impacts of responsible cobalt production initiatives working with artisanal miners in the DRC. The analysis is broadly aligned with S-LCA methodologies, in particular at the level…

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Providing initial basic knowledge on different topics of sustainability  -  including potential product social impacts - Raising students' awareness of the need and the opportunities for start-ups as well as any company to either develop a sustainable business idea, or improve the sustainability performance of existing business ideas.


The Design Factory at Pforzheim University of Applied Science (…

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The Social Value Community is part of the Social Value Initative, which is governed by a number of partner companies; see You can reach the community via info at