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  • Aug 30, 2022 from 13:00 to 14:00
  • Location: Zoom Webinar
  • Latest Activity: Aug 31, 2022



This free webinar introduces you to the training we have developed starting Sept 24th. This is the place to ask questions and get informed about what you can learn, what our expectations are regarding the entry level knowledge etc. During the training you will be able to work with max 3 colleagues from your organisation orwith other people on a real or fictional case study. This will facilitate "learning by doing and experience how Social Value Chain Assessment will work in practice. We will also try to help you to formulating a case study that is not too simplistic nor too difficult in this training. For more information about the trainin see the updated and corrected detailed description here

Initially we mentioned a price of 2500 euro and shared the wrong document here. we apologize, becase the price was wrong; it is 1500 euro. The registration link is at the PRe website:

The recording of the webinar can be found here In case a passcode is asked, it should be : 3L?F&T0+

The slides can be found here


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Social Value Community is part of the Social Value Initative, which is governed by a number of partner companies; see You can reach the community via info at